Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Burton Deer Print Jacket

One of the reasons I love fall so much is because of all the men chasing around deer and elk while decked out in their camo... it really does a proper mountain woman's heart good to see men excited to be outside camping, shooting, and being wild mountain men. I say if a man isn't home or at work, the best place he can be is up in the mountains. Most hunters I talk to say one of their favorite parts of hunting is just being up in the mountains, finding a good quiet spot, and watching the sun come up and the forest come alive. Sitting still, for hours at a time, with no distractions, surrounded by nature and the breath-taking autumn backdrop. I'm sure, whether they are aware of it or not, God speaks to their souls... and men who speak with God, and wear camo at the same time? now that's just down right dreamy.

And while I am a lover of camo, unless you yourself are hunting, lets save it for the mountain men. Proper mountain woman don't wear camo excessively. One of the reasons why is because there are jackets like this one that exist. Why would you ever wear camo when you could wear this cute jacket with little deer silhouettes on it? This willow flannel pullover by burton is gorgeous, it gives the message that you enjoy the great outdoors without looking too manly, and the happy red should help keep you out of a hunter's scope as well.

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