Monday, September 16, 2013

A Delightful Dinner Guest

Etiquette has been on my mind quite a bit the past year... etiquette and the direction of who I am becoming as a woman. I always wonder what type of lady I will be in the later years of my life. What stories will be told about me, what stories will I tell about myself, will it be said of me that I am a wise and proper woman who is full of grace and charm? Or will I communicate and interact the same way that I do now? I always picture the older version of me to be more polished and more refined than what I'm like today.

I sometimes try and figure out what makes some people so delightful to be around, and what makes others less delightful. In my experience, when I am at a dinner party or social gathering there always seems to be one person, whether you know them well or not, that you hope to sit by. Not for any romantic reason or interest, but because you want to be part of their conversation and positive energy, you want to hear their fascinating anecdotes and witty opinions, and you want to be the one who hears the funny jokes. The table this cheerful person sits at is commonly referred to (mostly by those less convivial party patrons who are most likely jealous not to be among the merriment) as the "fun" table because everyone that sits at this table seem to be happier and having a better time.

How does this person do it? What kind of characteristics and traits does it take to become the lady that people feel lucky to be sitting by at a dinner party? I want to be this woman when I'm older. I want to be a lady who has good table manners, who is graceful and witty, who can save an awkward situation or lull in conversation, who can listen captivated or can wildly entertain, a woman who you can't tell is making things up or who is quite possibly telling the truth, a woman who has lived life and has stories to tell, a woman who keeps you guessing, who uses colorful words, and knows fascinating things, who keeps things light, positive and refreshing... a woman, where at the end of the night, you go home and exclaim "I'm so glad I got to sit by her tonight, she was delightful!" Someone that makes you feel happy and inspired.

In my observation, these type of people... who we all enjoy being around, all have three things in common... one, they are happy... two, they seem to seek out and soak up life... and three, they practice good manners and etiquette.

I think these three things are critical in steps to being a proper mountain woman. And oddly enough, these are the things that I feel like aren't celebrated in today's world... I am bewildered in the lack of manners people have today, and the perverted idea of happiness and life. A huge part of the reason I wanted to start this blog was to do my part in celebrating the good, and promoting proper women in this modern time. There are enough blogs that praise chevron patterned throw pillows, cutesy party food and perfectly plucked eyebrows... I need a blog that celebrates using proper etiquette, living a life of light and adventure, and becoming a better well-rounded woman who can tackle the mountains of life.

I realize more and more, the older I get, how fundamental the use of etiquette and manners are, they encompass and effect so many aspects of life. In social situations knowing proper etiquette can give you an edge and a boost of confidence, not only does it help put you in a good light, manners and etiquette make everyone feel at ease around you. And to me that's just lovely.

I've been reading a couple books on etiquette... one of them is a kids book my mom read to us when I was younger called "my little golden book of manners", and the other is the 17th edition of "emily post's etiquette" by Peggy Post. Allow me to share some of my favorite lines from them:

"Good manners help to make a person nice to know." - my little golden book of manners

"Courteous people enrich their own spirits by making other people feel good." - peggy post

Both of those quotes get the same message across, and help answer my question as to what makes someone more delightful to sit by than others. In the quest to become a proper mountain woman in a modern day, I'm happy to have the simple answer. May we all strive to be that funky mountain lady in her late sixties who is absolutely delightful to have sitting at your dinner table.

For more posts on etiquette, CLICK HERE.

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