Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mark and Leo

saw shutter island tonight (finally). I love a good thriller. It's such a rush being scared, sitting in a dark theater, where nothing can hurt you. It's like I want it to be over, but can't get enough of it at the same time. It's sorta like torture. I'm not sure this was even supposed to be a thriller... but crazy people scare me, so I was scared almost the entire time.

I love going to the movies. I love buying my ticket. I love having the ticket stub ripped. I love finding the perfect seat. I love previews. I love the big screen. I get so involved. I scream (I have blood-curdle-screamed more than a few times in movies - it's a reflex). I gasp. I get short of breath. I cry (people have passed me tissues). I laugh (I have fallen out of my seat laughing). I clap my hands together when something tickles me just right. I cover my eyes and ears when I'm scared. I say silent prayers that everything will be alright. My stomach gets tied in knots. I furiously text on my phone to others to tell me how long a movie is, so I know how many more gut wrenching minutes I have to withstand. ARE YOU KIDDING??? 138 MINUTES LONG!!! I GOT 40 MORE MINUTES OF THIS MADNESS!!!  I love when the movie ends, and you walk out to the music. I absolutely love ending credit music. I love walking back to your car, in the dark, rolling the film over in your head. I love making fun of the bad films as you drive away, or talking excitedly about it if you liked it.

Shutter Island rocked. Nobody can smoke a cigarette like leonardo, and I think Mark Ruffalo is an attractive man. It definitely got my blood pumping, which I don't have a lot of lately... I'm down a few red blood cells. So there you go.


  1. I also like movies. The funniest part of this entry is the saying of silent prayers that everything will work out. I can totally understand that impulse. But its like, what do we expect? God will change the outcome of a movie to answer a movie watchers prayer.

  2. What do you mean "it's sorta like torture"? You can't get enough of torture?!


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