Thursday, April 1, 2010

100 Miles To Nowhere

I signed up for the 100 miles to nowhere bike ride .

What does that mean? It means you literally will bike 100 miles to nowhere. Some people bike it on trainers at home, but I will be doing it around my neighborhood. I might even set up cones.

So on May 8th, if you are wondering why I am circling the block for 8 hrs straight on my fixie... you'll know what is up. And maybe you will stand out on your lawn and hand me some gatorade.

I think it would be fun to do it with a bunch of people.. and you could play tag or follow the leader. I got a computer for my bike (finally) so that I won't have to count the laps (all 200 of them)... that way if I get dizzy I can just go the other way.


  1. Oh yeah, I pulled out my old road bike, no good, I forgot i needed to get a new pedal too, so you are on our own.
    But I'm coming down to be the water station, and make a banner to ride through on your last lap.

  2. This may appear twice, but I want to do that! Serious.

  3. i'll be there. for at least 5 miles. that is my dedication to you.

  4. I am going to hold on to your seat and have you pull me on my long board the entire 100 miles. How does that sound?


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