Sunday, October 4, 2015

Trader Joe's Pumpkin O's Treats

 Mary tried some of Trader Joe's Pumpkin O's and then told me to stock up and bring her some... "I only bought two and I am regretting it." So I stopped by Trader Joe's and picked up some on the way home from work the other day... then I got to thinking, and thought of the most brilliant idea!

Pumpkin O's + melted marshmallow + milk chocolate = PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE FALL DELIGHT

They are the fall gourmet version of rice krispie treats. So easy to make, and sooo delicious. From one proper mountain woman to another, if you live by a Trader Joe's... try them out, they are a proper, warm, gooey, campfire-y, pumpkin-y, fun, and fall-time treat to be shared with all.

Peace and pumpkins,

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