Friday, September 4, 2015

Sharing Time: My Favorite Skin Care Products

As a proper mountain woman, I believe that home-made will beat store-bought every time. I'm the kind of person who stands in front of an aisle at a grocery store, and is naturally skeptical of all the product placed there. Why am I just limited to these certain brands? And is this really the best stuff out there? Thank heavens for the many great people online that are passionate about their craft, and choose to make high-quality superior products to sell to the rest of us.

Let me share with you my three favorite skin care items right now:

Frank Body - Every Day Moisturiser - Frank Body is known for their fantastic coffee body-scrubs. The word is out, coffee in your skin care can do amazing things - get rid of dark circles under eyes, reduce inflammation and redness, and make your pores smaller. It perks up your skin! I love this daily face moisturizer so much - it makes my face look more alive and healthy, and when I touch my face it feels wonderful.

Mom's Stuff Salve (superfood for skin) - this has become a staple in my home. Mom's Stuff is made from natural super ingredients that boost healing to cuts, scrapes, rashes, cold sores, burns, and dry spots. I mostly use it at night on the heels of my feet to keep them soft, but I also use it sporadically on everything that seems to need an extra "superfood" boost! I put on my hands after gardening, my lips when their chapped, on my dog when he has a weird rash, and on my husband when he scrapes himself. Plus I love the smell of it... it smells like pines in the mountain. Mom's Stuff is made, packaged, and run by two proper mountain women (mother and daughter team) here in Utah... do yourself a favor and just read about the ingredients they use on their website - and then buy, smell and try this heavenly salve for yourself.

Mountain Ocean - Skin (coconut) Trip - I love this lotion. I've been putting it on right after I get out of the shower - all over my arms and legs, and it makes my skin so smooth and so soft... my skin just loves it. It smells good (I've had a few people complement the coconut smell) and it lasts a long time too, even the next day I will notice how soft my skin is. For people who live in the desert, like me, this lotion... so good.

And there you have it, thanks for reading!

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