Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brooch Bouquet

So I've been soaking up all the pages of Miranda Lambert's wedding in US Weekly. I just love her and everything about her country (even if you think it's loud and tacky) wedding. She bought everyone in the wedding party cowboy boots, she let her dogs walk the aisle, the wedding party was taken to the reception area via hay ride, antlers, cowhides, 5 tiered hot pink cake made to look like leather, deer venison quesadillas (deer shot by the happy couple), karaoke, antlers, cowhides, country stars dancing and singing till 2am, tattoo inspired artwork, brooch encrusted bouquets....

They are crazy, and I can't get enough of it.


  1. worst wedding ever. That cake looked like barf....

  2. ok sorry, its not the worst. I like that she gave everyone boots. Miranda seems like a thoughtful, hillbilly.

  3. kylee! it's tacky but we love it!

  4. Love, love the brooch bouquet. However the venison quesadillas makes me wanna barf. I actually dry-heaved.


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