Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Reset at Kohlers

We now have a British import section at Kohlers which I am very excited about. It's on aisle 17. There you can find candy bars from the GB which I had on my mission, one of which is the giant Kit Kat bar by Nestle. It is so so so good, and I actually can't believe that I have access to it whenever I want it now. It's the luckiest thing ever!

Here is a list of candy that I love:
gumi watermelons
licorice - black and red
jelly beans
sugar coated cinnamon hearts
cadburry eggs (now at Easter and Christmas)
giant kit kat bars
chocolate covered raisins (dark chocolate)
peanut M&Ms!
kinder eggs
malt balls (whoppers or the Easter eggs)

Candy that I hate:
now n' laters
jolly ranchers
sugar daddys


  1. Are they just king-sized Kit Kats? I looked yesterday and couldn't see them.

  2. I lied! I think they are on aisle 15!!!
    I knew it would be you that commented on my candy entry.

  3. Duh. And the saddest part of all I went to Kohler's specifically because of this entry! It's late but I'm going to run right now!


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