Thursday, November 20, 2014

Proper Paper Snowflakes

Fact. Taping proper paper snowflakes on windows helps promote a good snow year.

If you didn't have parents that spent time teaching you the proper way to make snowflakes, my deepest sympathies friend, it's cry'n shame. This sort of stuff breaks my heart, but here's your chance to finally learn. And after this quick post you will be able to teach your own children the right way and hopefully the cycle of rectangle snowflakes and snowflakes with 3 points, or 8, can finally end.

I believe that if you are from a part of the world where it snows, and especially if you love to snowboard, then being able to quickly cut out a 6 pointed snowflake is a skill you must own.

Here's how to fold a proper snowflake with the proper 6 points:

Links for the PDF download: black and white | color

After you get the pattern down, then you can start to get tricky...

We saw this pattern online.... and it inspired my coworker to make the snowflake on the left below:

(moose head and pine tree, I love it)

Proof that the snowflakes bring snow??? Listen to this....

I cut a snowflake out for Mike with hearts and AR-15s (because he loves guns), and he taped it on the window in his kitchen.

That night we had a small campfire in the backyard. The sky was clear and fairly warm.... it didn't look like it was going to snow at all.

The next morning.... BAAM! He sent me this picture of his backyard when he woke up:

See? The snowflakes work!!!

Please get to cutting and taping as soon as possible, I want some good snow for Thanksgiving.

Peace and pine trees,

PS. Here's a "peace and pine trees" snowflake pattern to try out. With the snowboard pattern, it REALLY helps bring down the snow.

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