Monday, November 10, 2014

OPI: Miranda Lambert Collection

The person who has the job of naming fingernail polishes has the best and most posh job in the world. I would LOVE to sit around and come up with names of fingernail polish. My favorite brand of nail polish is OPI, and their color names kill me... I sometimes will buy a color even if I don't particularly love it just because the name makes me laugh. And I absolutely love the special collections they come out with... like when they did their Muppets line, I was over the moon! The colors "meep-meep-meep" and "gettin' miss piggy with it" are colors I need flashing on my fingers! And now they have a collection for the Peanuts?! and coca-cola!?

OPI has also done collections for Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Kim Kardasian, and Gwen Stefani....which is kind of upsetting because I can't think of bunch of ladies less interesting. Yet they all have their own OPI color collections! It makes me wonder when are they going to do a line for my girl Miranda Lambert.... I mean how many female vocal artist of the year awards do you have to win to get some love from OPI? She only has won five years in a row now.... and she's got WAY more personality than any other girl they have done collections for. It's unbelievable that they haven't done an OPI and Miranda Lambert Collection yet... it's the greatest offense against all proper mountain women who would wear her colors proudly.

I have a few specific aspirations in life: I want to win a blue ribbon at a state fair, meet Dolly Parton, be elected mayor, and write a country song for Miranda Lambert and have her sing it. Since the last one might be hard to accomplish, I've decided that pitching this new line of colors to OPI, and having them go with it, will have to suffice.

So, OPI, here ya go, You're welcome! (you'll make millions off this collection)

And to Miranda Lambert: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you today!

Did you know I was born just three days before you? It's true... we are birthday spirit sisters. I just want to tell you a couple things... the first, on behalf of OPI, I'm sorry they haven't picked you yet... you should have been on the top of their list. The second, if you ever want to collaborate on a country song, have your people get in touch with my people, I got some good ideas... one song idea I have is called "he don't like country, so he ain't never hear this song", or we can rap battle, or I can teach you to snowboard here in the Rockies. Your pick. It's your birthday.

For a closer look at the colors in this collection:

Drive that 55'
I love Miranda's love for old trucks, I thought it would be fun to have a nail polish that matched the truck she was driving in her music video for Automatic. I once had a nail polish that matched my volkswagen beetle PERFECTLY and it made me so happy... everyone should experience this matching sensation.

Randa-rita is Miranda's recipe for a light cocktail. OPI just came out with a coca-cola line and I love that one of the colors matches my favorite beverage... diet coke. If OPI decides to do this collection Miranda can now drink her signature drink with matching nails. Fancy!

The Pink Pistol
True, it's more purple than pink, but it matches the color I liked in this sign for Miranda Lambert's Pink Pistol boutique. She's also wearing the same color and looking like a somking pistol in the photo below. I love the idea of a bright girly color on your nails while out shooting, this would be a good color for that.

Apparently Miranda already is picking up what I'm putting down with the somethin' bout platinum color.

I picked a brown, because she's a cowgirl who loves her dogs and saving other dogs. Her foundation called Mutt Nation deserves a shout out and a color in this collection.

I love having a good gray color in my finger nail polish collection... if it were called "gun powder and lead" I would wear it every day. Same with black and "something bad about to happen".

For the Mrs Blake "Shell" ton color it's a softer "shell" shade.

And the other colors I just picked from some of her brightest red carpet dresses.

Peace and pine trees,
Whitney Joy

If you enjoyed this... you'll like the post I did on Dolly Parton

For other inspiring proper mountain women and their favorite nail polishes CLICK HERE


  1. This is absolutely wonderful! You must send it to OPI.

  2. I LOVE the nail polish idea! Miranda totally needs a collection! OPI Nicole did one for Carrie Underwood so maybe OPI will do one for Miranda Lambert in the future. :)


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