Tuesday, April 13, 2010

has everyone seen this but me?

I feel so behind the times.


It takes a sec to load, but the actual thing is only like 3 minutes.

"Hero? That could work for me" - G.O.B.


  1. I cried. Thank you Whitney. You are my Swedish Hero.

  2. I cried too.
    Thank you, Whitney, you have always been my hero.

  3. Oh boy i didn't know what to expect and I was alone in my dark room, and It was TOTALY freaking me out, because at the beginning it tells you to turn off your cell phone. . and I was like "why the heck would it ask me to do that?" so while I watched the countdown for it to load I thought i was suppose to be trying to figure something out, and I got scared it was just one of those videos were something jumps out at you. . . Oh my heck, then I was convinced that my cell phone was going to ring and I was about to DIE. . .

    Scared the crap out of me.

    . . .but it turned out to be nothing i was thinking it would be. . . . Clever Whitney, very clever.

  4. Oh my goodness! that was so funny! That was good. really good!

  5. That was the perfect picture for it, too! It almost made me feel like you sacrificed yourself in a snow storm or something.


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