Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dozer Update

We found this sweet clip of a Saint Bernard in Poland who was accidentally let upstairs in his house, and the stairs are so steep he can't come back down! It is the sweetest video, and it reminds me of Dozer... who follows me around the house while I do housework, and then sometimes will get stuck in the basement because he refuses to figure up how to go back UP the stairs... so we have to open up the garage in the basement for him to run around the house and come in through the kitchen.

He also refuses to jump out of the jeep, even if Mike parks next to a grass hill to accommodate him! He would rather just use the ramp that we have to lug around for him.

1 comment:

  1. That video!!! That dog is so scared, and I love how he just nuzzles his head into him, so funny, what a baby!


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