I've turned into such a Mexican food junky. I feel like Dan is part Mexican... he puts Tapatio on everything, pronounces his Y words with a "ja" sound, and this past weekend he bought a hose so he could water the side wall of our apartment. When I saw him do it I was like "that's very Romanian of you" (because Romanians water the sidewalks and streets in the summer) and he replied "it's actually very Mexican of me". Apparently when he used to live in Mexico his neighbor watered his house too, and it keeps it nice and cool inside. I guess. Since I'm a white, first-world girl, I don't understand... I can just sense my grandpa is having a nose bleed somewhere in the spirit world. Us desert Utah folk don't water things that don't grow in the hot sun... we don't even let our sprinklers hit the sidewalk when watering our lawns (every other day).
What else is going on? I'm headed up to Chino tonight with Dan, he's a pall-bearer in his grandpa's funeral tomorrow. Maybe I'll write more about that later.
Can't believe it's June.