Monday, May 16, 2011


I stay up too late. Last night I was up till past 4am - I couldn't get tired. I heard cars and motorcycles drive by my shack and I wondered if they were up late, or up early. Doesn't matter, I thought. What is time? The sections of the clock where I'm supposed to be awake and be asleep have absolutely no meaning to me. I'm not sure if that is a blessing or a curse. When I think about the hours on a clock I think of choices rather than rules. Options.

After it was already pretty late last night I put aside my cross-stitching and turned out the lights. After what seemed like an hour I got back up. I played the harmonica, went outside and ate a twinkie (why do I own a box a twinkies?), cross-stitched some more, read the first four articles in the conference issue of the ensign, cried when I read this one, checked on a spiders' web by my dresser, practiced my memorization of the 12 apostles, and then turned off the lights again.

Day or night, my brain can't seem to slow down.

+ rented Black Hawk Down to watch again (I just finished the book) when the movie was over and the credits rolled and the name Ewan McGregor's rolled by I was surprised, I hadn't realized that was him - everyone looks so different with hoo-ha haircuts. I love Eric Bana and Sam Shepard in this movie.

+ speaking of war stuff - viewed the entire Band of Brothers series recently - that, on top of reading BHD, my dreams have been insane. I tear up when I hear country songs about 9-11, think about Osama being killed, and see helicopter formations.

+ speaking of country music, I just finished the best mix ever for my mom. There are so many good songs on the radio right now; honey bee, take a back road, wanna take you home... etc. and where has Ashton Shepherd been my whole life? her 'look it up' is awesome.

+ speaking of bad-A country singer gals... when are we going to be able to view Miranda Lambert's  wedding pictures? She shot the deer that was served at her wedding party herself. How is she so cool? (miranda and I are only 3 days apart - were basically twins)

+ speaking of twins, mckay (my-almost-Irish-twin) and I had so much fun with these crazy hellians camping this weekend. sometimes I absolutely love crazy groups of people unrestricted by neighbors, city limits, sound ordinances and the law. I hate the law.

+ speaking of the law, I freaking ripped up a parking ticket given to me by the downtown provo policemen - I swear cops in that area of town must have to take skadoosh (without the ska) tests, and pass, before being hired on. I'd rather spend the weekend in jail than pay that ticket. Looks like I'll be riding my bikes more around Provo.

+ speaking of bikes, on Friday I took the day off and rode my bike up to my parent's house in Highland - to meet some girls off craigslist who wanted to buy my beach cruiser. Commuting on road bikes is like a walk in a park compared to commuting fixed gear bikes, I still can't believe it, most especially when headed uphill.

+  speaking of uphill, I'm so glad I don't live in a river bottom right now - I would be so afraid of the river over flowing, and would probably fill sand bags all night to be prepared. Yesterday before we left to Andie's seminary graduation our ditch was a roaring ROARING river - I half expected to look and see some hard core river kayakers riding down the waves in our backyard.

+ speaking of backyards, we have adopted a wild cat who comes to our backyard door, she might be caring for some kittens right now if they have survived the thunder storms. Andie has named her Ting Ting, McKay has named her Lucille Two, and Mom has named her Dolores. Max and I carried over the miniature Joseph Smith house for her to sleep in one stormy night - but she refused. We keep giving her food and milk and telling her to take us to her babies. She doesn't understand.

+ speaking of being misunderstood, my dad has diabetes. Horrocks (my work) has a bike team that is doing the Tour de Cure this year and we have like 25 people on the team. If you would like to donate to the cure for diabetes I would appreciate it - I, personally, need to raise 150 dollars. Horrocks has a goal of raising $5,000 all together, and they have currently raised $4360 - which is pretty cool. In an upcoming post I will put a link to my rider site so you can donate, get your credit cards out! I don't care if it's one dollar - if you have read this entire post that means you are a true friend, or really bored at work, therefore you are good enough to give me one dollar. Think of my dad, think of diabetes, think of the shame I will face for not reaching the minimum $150. Thank you.

This is Whitney.


  1. I've been in a funk- I really needed this thunk. It was perfect Whitney. I laughed out loud (AKA as LOL'ing multiple times.)

    Don't mess with Provo cops! Nic once failed a background check for not paying for a Provo ticket.

    Lucille Two=hilarious.

    I'm poor and even I will donate $1.00. Mostly because I like your Dad.

    I loved this post. It was so Whitney.

  2. yes loved it! it kept getting better and better! i loved hearing your thought process and hearing you be talkative.

    Too cool

  3. I didn't know you cross stitched. You should post a picture of what you are working on.

    I used to have the 12 apostles memorized, then they started dying, and I don't know the new guys as well.

  4. I want the country mix that you made for RaVoe. And thank you for using Skadoosh.

  5. Someday I want to have profound thoughts like you - just not at 4am.

  6. i really loved this post. please take my money. you earned it as you write this.


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