Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Seems Wrong...

Something doesn't sit right when I think about informing PARK City that we are taking away their PARKing. It's like we are taking away their derivement!

But a jobs a job.

I like Park City because they got street names like Annie Oakley Dr, Samuel Colt Ct, Sidewinder Dr, Doc Holiday Dr, Wyatt Earp Way, Muchkin Rd, Bonanza, and Butch Cassidy Ct.

While hanging door hangers around their neighborhoods you see garages like this:

And porches like this:

And when you are driving past Jordanelle, you see moose running along side the highway.


  1. so cute. only you could write this entry.

  2. Wow, you really are the devil. I can only dream to live on Wyatt Earp Way some day.


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