Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello Orchard Shack

So, if you haven't heard the latest, I moved!

My little place is in Edgemont on canyon road. I'm calling this new place the Orchard Shack, because it's really like a small shack.

Another little change: I was waiting for a band to start up in SLC one night with my friend Mark, and decided to pop into the next door tattoo parlor to get my ears pierced (we were killing time). Just this week I was finally able to change the studs to PEARL earrings which my cousin Sara gave me (depicted in photo above)! I'm like a real adult woman these days, it's very exciting!


  1. If you need help getting he pearl earrings out, let me know.

  2. the pearls come off with a wrench, I think I can handle that.

  3. Thats a pretty hot picture of you Whit. I'm excited to see the new place. I'm glad you pierced your ears. Thats very adult of you.

  4. YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!! Best blog shoutout EVER.


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