Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Gnarly Trees

I fell inlove with some trees hiking saturday evening. They were huge and crazy, and I want to go back to them. After hiking I went to craft lake city with my family at the gallivan center, where we were all inspired to be more crafty, smoke more insense, and dress more hipster. Then we dined on carls jr and watched a band who played really great synth music and wore feather manes around their necks pack up for the evening. Then we were told to leave.

Highlight of the night (for me) was when Dad bought a homeless man some food at Carls Jr and asked the man if he had a job. The homeless man replied that he was retired.
The weather this weekend was more chilled than typical august weather, and I got looking forward to the coming fall. Seriously, I can't wait.


  1. Super sad I didn't hear about the craft thing... Homeless people are 100% entertaining.

  2. This post is wonderful.

    If you go back to those big gnarly trees, take a picture! I gotta see these! I love trees. I want to find some cool ones for my back yard.


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