Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Super Bike For Natalie

This is the dumpster orphan bike that Amanda found behind her Dad's work. I love the basket on it, and everything else about the bike. What a treasure, can't believe it was free. It's a REAL fixer upper, but I am determined to get it in working condition again, and then give it to Natalie, because Natalie needs a bike so badly. And this one is screaming, "Perkins ride me already!"

Anyways, I noticed today when I got it down to tinker on it that it had a super man tag on the basket (do you see it?). And I can't remember if that was on it when we found it, if not than someone just wandered in my garage and hooked it on. Either way, COOL!!!! This bike is going to be a SUPER bike, and I can't wait.


  1. I love that you called it a dumpster orphan bike. I don't recall a superman tag, but I was afraid a homeless was going to attack me if I got to close to his bike. So I'm not sure either.

  2. no one else deserves this bike more than miss perkins. except for the homeless man that amanda beat to the finding. too bad sucka

  3. I sometimes wish I had a way of knowing when I appear in your blog. It sure makes me feel loved.


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