Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walmart Is In Town

Took this picture on my bike ride from lunch to work this afternoon. 

Today is the grand opening of the new Wal-Mart in Cedar Hills. I used to be pist that the walmart was coming, now there is nothing I can do about it. Now it's here.

But I've decided to embrace it. Staring at it today, with those american flags flying all around its'  parking lot, I thought it stood as a symbol of freedom. Sure, I hate Wal-Mart for a growing number of reasons, but isn't capitalism wonderful? Isn't democracy fantastic?

I am proud to be part of a country that gives you the freedom to be whoever you want, believe whatever you want, and to pretty much do whatever you want. Cedar Hills put it to the vote, and that was that. They voted yes to crazy traffic, yes to high school kids being hit by cars as they cross busy streets during lunch (I almost hit one today, actually), yes to poor service, yes to minimum wage, yes to not keeping the sabbath day holy, and yes to selling beer. YES! And in a country where that is your liberty, I am proud. Cedar Hills has the freedom to be as stupid as they like, and I think that is grand.

Here's to Wal-Mart for living The American Dream!

(it's just helping the biking world out, now I may never have to drive again)


  1. I'm sorry about the Wal-Mart. I am a Wal-Mart hater, myself. It happened when I lived way to close to one in Springville.

    Now the closest store to my in Reno is...Wal-Mart. I go out of my way to drive an extra 10 minutes to get to Target.

    Worth it.

    I agree with your patriotism/pride, though. It's great to know that people have a part in whether or not you hit their kid during lunch. Maybe it will cause for a generation of survivers who end up smarter than the ones who got hit and will vote for better things, like crosswalks and Targets?

  2. wish it was a target. I'd hit kids for a target.

  3. Ha Ha Ha!... you'd hit kids for target...

  4. I agree whit. . . what a weird way of looking at it i guess. . .

    I wish it was a target too.

  5. ha! i'm so sad about walmart. you made me want to move to europe reading this post.

  6. what, where is your pride?!

    let freedom ring!

  7. Let freedom ring! Oh these comments are so funny. Whitney is so funny.


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