Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow Globes

Tonight has been a good night for three reasons: the temple, yoga, and a good phone visit with Aaron. For reasons unknown all three of these things led me to searching for snow globes on the internet. I love these that I found, I feel inspired by them:

I really love being at the temple, such a soothing, enlightening, and grown-up place. I have much to learn.


  1. I really, really like those. It's so weird because just yesterday I was putting some clothes away and said to myself "One day I would like a snow globe collection." I'll take this as a sign.

  2. Thank you for sharing those! I love them. what a good find.

  3. I'm not usually a big snow globe fan, but I'm a fan of these!

  4. I love my new tag! Thanks. How do you do that?

  5. Those snow globes are awesome. I looked at the website and some of them are a little creepy. It was fun to hang out during Christmas. We are coming up during the summer and I think we are going to plan a trip to 7 peaks. We should all go.

  6. my art teacher from last semester, colin, has actually made some snow globes. there is something about them that sparks such a childhood excitement and curiosity in me.

  7. You don't even understand how much I want a snow globe now...


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