Friday, January 9, 2009

Sisters, Sisters and Best Friends

(I love this picture from Austria)

Friends come and go. Which is why I am lucky that this one is bonded to me with everlasting ties, whether I like it or not.

McKay once taught me how to tell if someone picks their nose just by looking at their nose hairs. She is full of good information like that. 

I like how I feel when I am around McKay, I can't explain it. It's like we are telepathic. We can be in the same room with loads of people, and we can look at each other for a split second and die laughing because we have told each other the most fantastic joke. 

When she was down last week from Logan, one her friends asked me what two people I would take to a deserted island with me. Two people is harder than just one, or three. Threesomes can be tricky. My answer was Mckay and Ken Adams. I'd choose McKay for a lot of reasons: she's good with an exacto knife and blood, finding weird plants and bugs to eat, and sleeping in hammocks. Ken because we would have to work at keeping him happy and alive, which would be fun and entertaining. And then if he died, we'd eat him.


  1. I love when we have matching jackets that we both got in Munich Germany.

    And i'm pretty sure that thing about the nose hairs is a lie.

    Whitney can we buy more matching clothes? at lest shoes?

  2. That is the best deserted island picks I've ever heard.

  3. BAHAHAHA! That is awesome! I really like this post.

    And I really like that picture.

  4. thanks for the comment, kylie. I have been meaning to call, for like over a month! I need an update on that daughter of your!


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