Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good Movie, Clean Teeth

before I hop in bed, I just wanted to make a quick blog about how genius it is to floss your teeth during a movie. Natalie had a thing of floss in her bag (you know the bag with the giant zipper?) at the movies tonight and after all that popcorn we had eaten all day.. it was just what we needed.

I just sat and flossed.

I've seen probably 23 billion movies since christmas. I only wish I had thought of this floss thing sooner.


  1. what movie did you see today? i saw valkyre again

  2. of the recent movies, what do you suggest

  3. valkyrie was my favorite. but 7 pounds is good, so is yes man.

  4. i also have recently got into a flossing fetish, try it while driving, its my fave


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