Friday, December 26, 2008

Daft Punk Is Playing At My House, My House

Just kidding, they really aren't. But Max got all the daft punk albums for Christmas and that is all I hear blasting out of his room. I'm excited for tomorrow night, Kinetic-X is performing at a small house show, it will be the highlight and cap stone of the week for sure. (you can come if you want)

I love not having to work. And I love snow. I love going out to the movies. I love presents. I love candy. I love good food. I love playing games with my family. Best week of the year.

Nate slept in this snow cave that he built last night at 3 in the morning, he slept in till noon:

This is the snow cave my siblings and I built yesterday, I slept in it for a while then freaked out because it was so small in there:


  1. ask yourself this question: have I spent the night in a snowcave this year? if the answer is no then your year has been wasted, but fret not, there is still time.

  2. I would come sleep in your snow cave if I had your new sleeping bag. Mine just won't cut it.


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