Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Flaming Gorge

here it is, concrete proof that life is better in a wetsuit:

and also, proof that nate can fly:

and proof that aaron almost lost a flip flop proving the wetsuits are awesome:

this one actually isn't proof of anything because it looks like I was photo shopped in:

proof that nate does p90x:

proof we own our own private kayaking island:


  1. You won me over. hope i can make it next year.

  2. and proof the 35mm will always reign supreme over digital

  3. pretty blue water. AND, you are with two boys, naughty naughty.

  4. ooops, I'm logged in as my mom! he he, figure that one out :)

  5. Is your hair straight? I don't know if I'd go on vacation with straight-hair Whitney...unless there is a kayaking clause in the straight hair Whitney personality. That water looks ohh so inviting though. I love the pictures.

  6. Well, Katie, they don't call it "flaming" gorge for no reason. If anything I was the chaperon for the trip.

  7. Bahahaha! Flaming. Oh man, you are one funny woman.

    Congrats on the new island.


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