Wednesday, October 3, 2007

He Lost His Joke Now

October is my favorite month! And I have a confession to make, it has nothing to do with Halloween. I'm sorry to admit that, but it's not my favorite holiday, and I don't even like going out to play on Halloween night.. I've never been a big party hopper, especially dressed up as something silly. The whole ordeal makes me dizzy. There are some aspects of Halloween that I enjoy... like, um, decorating the house with spiderwebs.

(My favorite all-time holiday is the 4th of July. I wish we could have one of those once a month.)
Another confession... I think I worked every year Halloween night at the purple turtle during high school, it was just so less stressful to work than party. The year before my mission, I think I went snowboarding, then hung at my parents. And last year I worked at Kohlers... geez, I'm such a geek.

But, why, you ask, is October your favorite month then? Well, I'm in love with it, that's why. It's time to get out our cool jackets. And I have a real cool jacket that I just ordered at work. It's going to say Horrocks Engineering on it... I'm excited.

"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

"There is something in October that sets the gypsy blood astir, we must rise and follow her; when from every hill of flame, she calls and calls each vagabond by name." - I don't know who said this, but I love it, mostly because I have some gypsy blood in me.

"What I really want from music. That it be cheerful and profound like an afternoon in October. That it be individual, frolicsome, tender, a sweet small woman full of beastliness and charm." - Friedrich Nietzsche, this ones just good, because it talks about music too.

All I want to eat is nuts, berries and porridge. And now I got to go do some math!


  1. Dear Whitney,
    I love october too. It is my favorite month. I want to get married in october some day. Maybe next october. Octobers in Utah are fabulous, but i am slowly falling in love with Seattle's october as well. Although we have a simillar love for the month, both you and i know that I am a slave to halloween. I love this holiday deeply, and anticipate its coming all year. So here is wishing you a happy october and a very spooky halloween.
    Love your friend,
    The Witch

  2. To: Above comment, I also dwell in washinton. To: Whitney, I really love the jacket thing too, But I can't really whip mine out yet, because you see, I'm still wearing t-shirts shorts and flip flops. Everyone thinks I am mental... Doo yu thynck sou? Anyways, fall in washington really isnt that great, Its actually kind of sucky, most things are though! (: Your roomie
    -\Parker Edwards/

  3. You're disdain for Halloween parties nearly killed me once (literally.) But fall and fall colors always remind me of you. You are the quintessential fall girl-you can totally tell you were born in fall. I don't know when my computer will let me post a comment again so until then know I always read up.


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